Ángela Gurría, es la gran escultora de México (1929 - 2023)
Su trayectoria, producción artística, calidad estética, diversidad de contenidos, cualidades plásticas y fuerza crítica son un referente en la historia de la plástica mexicana.
La obra, tanto pública como privada, de esta artista es una evidencia para México y el mundo de que la escultura mexicana ha tenido y tiene una gran relevancia en la historia del arte.
Durante su carrera artística ganó diversos premios y reconocimientos, entre ellos el Premio del Instituto de Arte en México, la Medalla de Oro de la Academia del Arte de Lavoro en Italia, el Primer Premio de Escultura Integrada a la Arquitectura de la Bienal Mexicana de Escultura, el Premio Nacional de Ciencias y Artes en el Área de Bellas Artes, Ciudad de México y la Medalla Bellas Artes, INBA, Ciudad de México.
Mexican (1929 - 2023)
Stone and metal have been the most recurrent materials in Ángela Gurría's work, her work is set within nature and pre-Hispanic symbols, forming its own language and geometry in modern Mexican sculpture.
She was apprenticed to Germán Cueto and Mario Zamora.
At that time, she signed her works under male pseudonyms, due to the disapproval that would arise when submitting her works under her real name. She achieved recognition with the creation of monumental public works in Mexico.
Ángela Gurría was the first woman to become a member of the Academy of Arts of Mexico in 1973. She has won various awards and recognitions, including the Prize of the Institute of Art in Mexico (1960), the First Prize for Sculpture integrated to Architecture of the Mexican Sculpture Biennial (1967), the Gold Medal of the Academy of Art of Lavoro in Italy (1980), the National Award of Sciences and Arts in the Fine Arts Area, Mexico City (2013) and the Fine Arts Medal, INBA, Mexico.